Adults with special needs are often able to live independently, but still require some everyday supports.
Despite their unique situations, care for adults with special needs is generally limited and doesn’t allow for custom accommodations.
Inspired by Coral Lettinga, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a toddler, mother Connie and sister Crystal Lettinga have embarked upon a new condominium development for adults with special needs who can live independently with additional security and supervisory supports. Together with community partners, Connie and Crystal are currently developing Coral Reef, an empowering alternative to group living.
The Lettingas have found and secured their ideal location, located off M-6 and Byron Center Drive in Grand Rapids, MI. Independent of, but adjacent to, University of Michigan Health-West Hospital, the future campus of Coral Reef will be located on a beautiful parcel of land near a park and woodlands, restaurants and grocery shopping, and on a public transportation line.
The Lettingas have engaged Pure Architects to provide initial design concepts, and Telosa Consulting and Fiduciary Financial Advisors to provide development support and counsel. Coral Reef is working with local resources to determine on-site staffing and other administration of services.
Coral Reef is designed to balance independence and privacy with shared services that support and improve lives. By combining vital, customized safety measures, amenities for connection and personal growth, a convenient location and support from trained care professionals, our campus is the empowering option for independent living.
With 28 1-bedroom independent living units, future residents at Coral Reef will live independently — creating their own schedules, cooking, socializing and pursuing hobbies and employment. Unlike traditional group living facilities, Coral Reef encourages daily independence and personalized growth.
The campus will be maximized for resident safety, offering entrance security, staff background checks and specified visitor hours. Each unit will also feature customized 24/7 remote smart monitoring. Adjacent to University of Michigan Health-West Hospital, residents will have easy access to medical or behavioral appointments.
Coral Reef's campus will be conveniently located near ADA-accessible Frog Hollow Park with an adjacent Kent Trails trailhead. Also nearby is the YMCA, the Special Olympics facilities, grocery stores, restaurants and several local hotels. This location makes resident access to daily resources — and visits from friends and family members — simple and convenient.